Chile: One of the miners is saved and a second found dead


According to official sources, the rescued miner alive was identified as Leonardo Condori, who is already hospitalized under observation in a hospital in the region.

The accident occurred last Thursday (21 in Argentina) around 20 hours due to "the collapse of materials inside the San José de Tocopilla mine", said Sernageomin in a statement posted on his Twitter account.

The directory 8, Point San José, is located in the city of Tocopilla, in the region of Antofagasta, 700 km from the mine. In 2010, 33 miners had been stranded for 70 days and saved alive.

For his part, Bolivian President Evo Morales lamented Saturday the death of one of three Bolivian workers stranded in a mine in northern Chile and announced that his government would take steps to repatriate the body.

"We have received from Chile information that unfortunately confirms the death of one of our brothers, and we send our condolences and solidarity to his family," Morales wrote on his Twitter account.

To integrate

On the other hand, it was confirmed that our compatriot Leonardo Condori was found alive. We hope that the missing 3rd will be found safe and sound and that he will return soon with his family. We appreciate the efforts of the sister government of Chile in this emergency.

– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) June 15, 2019

The Bolivian president said that his government "will immediately have all the necessary for the repatriation of his mortal remains".

Chile's Minister of Mines, Baldo Prokurica, said it was unclear which of the two other Bolivian workers trapped, Salomón Veizaga Delgadillo, 45, or Lenin Veizaga Soto, 19, was the deceased and who was the one who had disappeared.


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