Chile passes start of curfew across country from September 1


The last two regions of Chile are added to the measure: the metropolitan region and the region of Tarapacá.

However, Health Minister Enrique Paris warned that in the future “there could be setbacks if the numbers worsen” and that progress could be made in the start time of the cover. fire.

Also, the Ministry of Health has updated the figures for the pandemic, with 512 new cases and 38 deaths in the last 24 hours.

With this, Chile accumulates 1,638,330 confirmed patients with coronavirus and 36,923 deaths associated with the virus.

In the report, posted on the website, it is detailed that there are 3,982 active cases of the coronavirus nationwide, which is the lowest figure since April 5, 2020.

“The positivity in the metropolitan area is 1% and 15 regions have a positivity less than or equal to 1%. Twelve regions decrease their cases during the last 7 days and 14 do so in 14 days ”, reports the daily report of the Ministry of Health.

Also, the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, revealed in an interview that “once the constitutional state of emergency is over (September 30), the curfew will disappear” and that he does not believe that the government will again request an extension of the measure. .

He ruled out that there will be a postponement in September due to the celebration of National Holidays from 18 to 20, for which the government has prepared a plan so that people can meet in houses but must comply with the measures of care.

“If we keep family gatherings in small, well-ventilated rooms, we can keep the pandemic at bay,” Paris told Últimas Noticias.

The head of the health ministry said “it will be more difficult for there to be regrowth if we manage to immunize the children.”

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