Chile reached its first goal a week early: it has already vaccinated 80% of its population over 16 with at least one dose


A woman receives a dose of Pfizer / BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in Viña del Mar, Chile, April 22, 2021. REUTERS / Rodrigo Garrido
A woman receives a dose of Pfizer / BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in Viña del Mar, Chile, April 22, 2021. REUTERS / Rodrigo Garrido

This Wednesday, The main Chilean health authorities have confirmed that the country has successfully vaccinated most of its population with its first dose allowed to receive injections against the coronavirus.

Information was confirmed in the last hours by the Minister of Health of Chile, Enrique Paris, who pointed out that in the last few hours 80.26% of the national population has been vaccinated, a target that was to be reached by the end of June.

After almost five months of hard work throughout Chile, we have successfully vaccinated 80.26% of the target population against COVID-19, or 12,199,649 people vaccinated until 9:29 p.m. yesterday Tuesday. It was our first major objective and we can say, mission accomplished “revealed the health authority.

The above confirmed the achievement of the objective set by the government at the beginning of this year., who raised that June would be the cut-off month to vaccinate 80% of its population allowed to receive injections against the coronavirus.

The highest health authority in the country also thanked “first aid; mayors and mayors; Under-Secretary for Public Health; the National Vaccination Program; Directors of Services; the Seremi de Salud and all the officials ”.

In addition, Paris called this historic event a “milestone” for many parties involved in the vaccination of the population since last February., at the start of the massive vaccination in Chile against the coronavirus.

This obviously marks a milestone we’ve been waiting for a long time, however, that doesn’t mean we have to work our arms.We must continue to work together, ”said the leading health authority.

Magallanes, first region to reach 80%

In the image, a snowy town of Punta Arenas, capital of the region of Magallanes.
In the image, a snowy town of Punta Arenas, capital of the region of Magallanes.

This announcement from Paris was made by video call to other authorities who are deployed in the Magallanes Region, whose area was the first nationally to reach 80% of its population vaccinated. The progress of vaccination in this territory, in fact, reported that 89.57% of its people are vaccinated with their first doses, and 81.46% of the population have both full doses.

This region is followed by Aysén, with 88.98% in advance at the first doses and Ñuble with 88.64%.

In this sense, the government spokesperson, Jaime Bellolio, stressed that despite the fact that the Magallanes Region is one of those that suffered the most the consequences of the coronavirus, despite this, he fully discharged his responsibility for immunization.

Likewise, the Magallanes Region was one of those which experienced the greatest difficulties at the start of the pandemic, and experienced its cycles of high peaks and long quarantines., is now the first to achieve the goal of vaccinating 80% of its target population with both doses. And this has been seen in the decrease in the number of people entering intensive care, ”said Bellolio.

Faced with the importance of getting vaccinated, the Under-Secretary for Health, Paula Daza, reiterated the appeal to those late in this sanitary process, use their nearest vaccination centers, as a form of personal care for themselves and for their nearest environment.

This pandemic is not going away and we must continue to work together and control it together. Today is a day of good news for Chileans, but it should encourage us to keep getting vaccinated, those people who are on schedule and haven’t done so, get vaccinated, because we know that the vaccine not only protects the person, but protects us all“Daza said.

Vaccination schedule

Despite the fact that 80.26% of the national population is vaccinated against the coronavirus from its first dose, Chile continues its vaccination plan at a sustained pace throughout its territory.

For this week, 19-year-olds are called upon to use vaccination centers to receive their dose against the coronavirus. Likewise, for this Thursday and Friday, all those who are 18 years old are summoned to the vaccination centers.

This weekend will be devoted to the vaccination of the second doses, vaccination of pregnant women from 16 weeks gestation, and for latecomers of all ages authorized to receive the injection.

In the same way, Second-dose vaccination will continue for adolescents aged 12 to 17 at National Service for Minors (Sename) centers. and other organizations, and for adolescents of the same age group with co-morbidities such as lung and neurological disease, as well as heart disease and cancer treated with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, etc.


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