Chile reopens its borders: what conditions must Argentines meet to enter


From November 1, Chile will apply changes to entering the country for residents and tourists, due to the “Low impact” positive cases detected in travelers and favorable epidemiological rates of Covid-19.

Among the changes that were officially announced this Wednesday, October 6, it was reported that all people entering Chile with a mobility passport or vaccine approval certificate can complete their isolation earlier if they test negative. of a PCR test that they are performed. in the country and have access to a traveler’s health follow-up for ten days.

This was detailed by the Under Secretary for Public Health, Paula Daza, and the Under Secretary for Tourism, José Luis Uriarte, of the Palacio de la Moneda. “The current epidemiological context and the evolution of the Step by Step Plan allow us to gradually modify the measures and restrictions defined in the context of the pandemic”Daza spoke about the current pandemic situation in the Trans-Andean country.

Piñera confirmed that Chile will also apply a third dose to those who received Sinovac

Official data, they explained, shows that “Only 0.7% of travelers entering Chile through Arturo Merino Benítez airport, between November 23, 2020 and September 30 of this year, have tested positive for Covid-19”.

Another figure that encourages greater openness is that “more than 89% of COVID-19 confirmed travelers who entered through Santiago airport were traced as part of the active case finding (BAC) carried out by the health authority at the time of their arrival, not during the follow-up period ”.

“For tourism, this means very good news, because we will be able to continue to reactivate not only domestic tourism, which we have seen in recent months, but also receptive tourism,” said the Chilean Under-Secretary for Tourism.

What will be the conditions to enter Chile

To enter this country, Chilean and foreign residents entering through one of the three authorized airports must have a travelers’ sworn declaration, which can be completed up to 48 hours before boarding. In addition, they must have a negative PCR result taken up to 72 hours before shipment.

Foreigners who do not reside in the country, for their part, must validate your vaccination schedule on the site, presents an affidavit at least 48 hours before boarding on the site, have a negative PCR up to 72 hours before travel and a health insurance with a minimum coverage of $ 30,000.

Chilean health authorities have clarified that all people entering the country “must carry out a period of tracking travelers, reporting their location and state of health for 10 days.” This also includes that those who travel “they must be prepared to be tested in BAC airport operations and / or during the surveillance period ”.

On the other hand, among the measures – which will also be in effect from November 1 – it has been announced that children under 6 will be able to leave the country via authorized airports “without needing a Mobility Pass” . Upon their return, the children and those living with them must undergo a mandatory seven-day quarantine.

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