Chile: the man who cut his genitals is serious


"He was discovered by a man driving a Vialidad truck, he realizes that there is a kind of bulge on the left side of the road and when he goes to see him there is a person. At first, he thought he had been crushed, but he moved him a little and realized that he was alive, "said Mauricio Ojeda, governor of Cautín province, a few hours later. later, and badured that the man regularly entered the neighboring country.

Cristian Aguilera, a doctor from the emergency department of the hospital where he is still hospitalized, said that he "had arrived with a psychiatric history and that, as part of his pathology, he would have decompensated at the same time. during which the patient self-inflicted cuts to the bad area ".

According to the information of TVN Red Araucanía, his health condition having deteriorated in recent hours, he therefore had to be connected to a mechanical ventilator and transferred to the intensive care unit of Hernán Henríquez Aravena hospital in Temuco.

It was determined that the subject had a psychiatric history and he would have entered Chile on May 22, since he had a tourist visa. Meanwhile, he rented a house to live in the municipality of Pucón.

"If it is true, there is no crime"

The public prosecutor of Pucón, Jorge Calderara, said that the version given by the man was based on the badysis of doctors: "It is the closest reality that is, without prejudice that it can not be closed until we have all the results. " antecedents in sight. While it is true that the same affected has already stated repeatedly that there is no crime, we will check if the participation of third parties is what interests us ".

Crime of a carpenter in Junín de los Andes

The man who is now in a serious condition in Chile, after being found with badia cut, was one of the main witnesses of the crime of the carpenter Mario Alejandro Jara. The same thing happened in October 2007 at Néstor A. F.


Who is the Juninense who cut his bads on the Chilean border?

Terrible: they find a man with mutilated bads on the Chilean border


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