Chile: they put placebos in birth control pills and 29 women got pregnant


At least 29 women have reported becoming pregnant in Chile despite taking birth control pills, the same that the country’s Institute of Public Health (ISP) ordered last August to withdraw from the market in one of its lots.

At that time, the official body alerted by the “blister pack of 28 tablets, corresponding to the B20034A series, with expiration date 01/2022” of the Anulette CD coated tablets, property of Laboratorios Silesia SA

There they had detected packaging with errors in the arrangement of the pills, that is, placebos were placed in place of the active ingredient tablets and vice versa, in addition to the absence of both types. of tablets.

According to the ISP, this did not affect the products sold in pharmacies but the clinical presentation, which is aimed at health networks.

Meanwhile, in September, they found errors in another batch -B20035A- with a similar expiration date, so the FAI decided to suspend the health registration of the product, RT reported.

To date, at least 29 women have already reported getting pregnant while taking these pills, according to TVN who interviewed some of them.

“When I discovered that I was pregnant and that it was because of the pills, obviously, I felt very bad, I even thought about aborting, at the beginning”, tells a young girl of 20 years, pregnant. five months.

Another interviewee said: “Partly I have a feeling that they forced me to be a mother at an age that I didn’t want.

The Miles Chile organization spoke out in favor of the complainants. Javiera Canales, coordinator of the legal area, told 24 hours that they will file a “protection appeal with the aim of broadly interpreting the cause of the risk of life, so that those who wish can terminate their pregnancy.”

They will also claim “compensation for damages against the Silesian laboratory and the State, because both are jointly responsible for these contraceptives”.

Canales assured that, according to the complaints received, 15 lots are concerned, including the two which have been withdrawn from the market.


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