Chile: to assess strengthening with a third dose of those who received the Sinovac vaccine


A person receives the first dose of Chinese Sinovac vaccine against Covid-19 at a health center in Santiago (Photo: EFE / Alberto Valdés)
A person receives the first dose of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine against Covid-19 at a health center in Santiago (Photo: EFE / Alberto Valdés)

In the last few hours, Chilean health authorities have not ruled out the administration of a third vaccine to inoculated people Sinovac injection, as a way to increase efficiency and immunity against the coronavirus.

In this regard, the Chilean Under-Secretary for Health Paula Daza pointed out that the Catholic University (UC) you conduct different studies and follow-ups to determine if a third dose is needed. This house of studies is also targeting a Sinovac clinical study intended for children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 years.

“(The Catholic University) is particularly monitoring the Sinovac vaccine and we know that during in July they will have results to see the need for a third dose “said Daza.

The authority added that vaccines approved in Chile were authorized when there were follow-ups and two-dose studies, “Therefore, we also know that all the labs have somehow followed the need to have a third dose of vaccine or not,” added Paula Daza.

On this issue, UC Rector Ignacio Sánchez said that “we have always said that it was very unlikely that the vaccination against the coronavirus would last a year and nothing more ”.

For this reason, Sánchez argued that in the event that a decrease in immunity is identified in the coming months, “Obviously the third dose becomes very important. If the level is maintained during this year, as much as possible is that next year it will be necessary to repeat the vaccination “.

Remember that according to studies carried out in Chile, Chinese Sinovac vaccine is said to be 65.3% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19. Faced with the danger of other variants, such as the P1, Sánchez added that Sinovac “He is working on modifications of the vaccine and adapts it to the variants, in particular the p1 or Brazilian, to have more effective vaccine alternatives ”.

Until, Chile vaccinated 11,729,210 inhabitants with the first dose, while 9,360,885 people completed their vaccination process.

Magallanes, the illustrious region of the vaccination process

In the picture, a snowy town of Punta Arenas, capital of the Magallanes region in Chile
In the picture, a snowy town of Punta Arenas, capital of the Magallanes region in Chile

In addition to a possible third vaccine for the population, the health authorities closely follow the successful experience of the Magallanes Region, located in the extreme south of Chile, whose vaccination is progressing exceeds 88%, which has helped decompress the intensive care units in this area.

With a total population to be vaccinated of 141,033 people, The Magallanes Region has 124,079 people vaccinated with the first dose, while 108,780 residents completed their vaccination process with the second injection.

The latest announcements from the Ministry of Health (Minsal) to advance this region towards the transition phase, were triggered after Magellan will stand out with a 43% decrease in cases in just 14 days. This unprecedented case in Chile is closely monitored by health authorities, since when this region has reached 70% of its population vaccinated with the first dose, cases have declined dramatically, freeing up intensive care units as well.

Due to his progress in the vaccination process, Magallanes is the region with the most municipalities in Phase 4, i.e. in the Initial Opening Phase, where meetings in private residences of 30 people are allowed, and any event or meeting during curfew hours is also allowed according to the “Footsteps” health plan.

Remember that the Magallanes Region was, some time ago, one of the areas most affected by the coronavirus. For example May 7 the area marked its peak of active cases in this wave with 878. As of May 10, a downward trend started with 779 cases.

“As the stages of the different age groups progress what we observed was a decrease in the cases of these groups, also a decrease in hospitalizations and mainly what we could observe in the groups of elderly people, who had a high participation (in the vaccination) and that they represented around 80% of the people who died in the region and whose number has dropped considerably both in new cases, such as hospitalizations and deaths, ”said Eduardo Castillo, seremi (S) of Salud de Magallanes.


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