Chilean Minister of Health said 80% of the population will be vaccinated by the end of June


Chile's Health Minister Enrique Paris gave details of the success of his country's vaccination plan (EFE)
Chile’s Health Minister Enrique Paris gave details of the success of his country’s vaccination plan (EFE)

The Minister of Health of Chile, Enrique Paris, listed the keys for his country to be among the most effective in the process of immunization against coronavirus worldwide and revealed that yesterday Thursday the system had reached a record of inoculation of 412 thousand people in just 24 hours. Pediatrician, intensivist and founder of Toxicological Training Center of the Catholic University, said the administration had started to prepare for the success of the campaign “in May 2020, when the minister was Jaime Mañalich“And there was still no advanced development in any country in the world.

Discussions with foreign companies have been initiated through the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health. Tripartite work and the leadership of President Piñera», He clarified.

Paris, 72, highlighted the reach of the famous National vaccination plan (PNI) and National vaccination register (RNI) which are the historical Chilean work patterns implemented systematically from the 70s. “Works like a clock“Said the doctor, a vital part of Pinera. “The public system serves 80% of the population and the private 15%», He stressed. “President Piñera has the particularity of visualizing certain questions and seeing the importance of the question. It was he who initiated the first conversations and led this group which was in charge of making the contacts.», Revealed the minister in a radio dialogue with the program Each morning What is the journalist driving? Marcelo Longobardi.

Yesterday, Thursday March 11 -according to official data- Chile inoculated a 381,746 people with the first and second doses of the development of Pfizer and Chinese developments. However, the data was then updated by the minister during the interview with the Argentine station. In total, more than 6 million Chileans have already received at least one injection this will facilitate the return to normality of the country of Latin America, a region well below vaccinations compared to the first countries of the world. In this sense, the southern nation leads not only the South American ranking, but also the first places in the world list. Israel Yes United States the other states dominate the per million population averages.

Chilean President Sebastián Piñera (center) with Minister of Health Enrique Paris (left) and former Minister of Health Jaime Mañalich at the government building (Reuters)
Chilean President Sebastián Piñera (center) with Minister of Health Enrique Paris (left) and former Minister of Health Jaime Mañalich at the government building (Reuters)

Asked how the process had been to get the vaccines so quickly, Paris He said it was the president himself who kicked off getting them. “Piñera made contact with businessmen and even with the Chinese president (Xi Jinping) to get it … and did his doctorate in the United States with some of the leaders of the vaccine companies“, Revealed Paris. “Yesterday we also broke a record because we vaccinated 412,190 people in one day, something extraordinary for the primary health care system. Because here, the Ministry of Health has 26 warehouses and these warehouses deliver vaccines to municipalities. We base primary care on municipal care. This is why the municipalities ask for the deposit, and these the laboratory. But to request it, they have to register the person», Said the minister.

10,915,276 vaccines have reached Chile, more than half have already been used. Of these 943,800 were from Pfizer / BioNTech and 9971476 from Sinovac“, he pointed Paris. The original plan was to have 5 million people vaccinated by March 31, mainly the elderly and people with co-morbidities: hypertension, diabetes and cancer. However, the official was optimistic in the numbers and believes that number will be reached next week if this rate is maintained.

A healthcare worker throws away a disposable syringe after administering a dose of Sinovac's CoronaVac coronavirus vaccine at a vaccination center in Santiago, Chile, February 26, 2021 (Reuters)
A healthcare worker throws away a disposable syringe after administering a dose of Sinovac’s CoronaVac coronavirus vaccine at a vaccination center in Santiago, Chile, February 26, 2021 (Reuters)

We want to vaccinate 15 million people, or 80% of sensitive people», He remarked, a target which would be reached on June 30th. For this, Santiago obtained 35 million doses and dismissed the charges of “grabbers“. It is because to count on the vaccination of the population, two injections are necessary, which doubles the orders. In this direction, Paris He also referred to the “solidarity” that the great powers and those with sufficient cargo must have and that in fact his country has already done so: “We have delivered vaccines to Ecuador and Paraguay for primary care physicians. We have donated it in a humanitarian way and if we have enough we will continue to do so, but so far we do not have any.“.

The Chilean Minister of Health has also been consulted on the possibility that Argentinian tourists or tourists from other parts of the region come to the country to be vaccinated. Paris has categorically denied that this can be done and it is he himself who has forbidden this possibility. “We had to issue a resolution because vaccine tourism was offered. If a person comes to live in Chile and has their papers legally, as an immigrant, they have their rights. But coming for a day on a sightseeing trip, we don’t want that and we’re not going to facilitate it. However, with Argentina we have immense gratitude and if at some point we can cooperate we will. We won’t let you take advantage of this», He stressed.

No one here has skipped the line”, He also indicated Paris when asked if there had been a VIP vaccination program that allowed people known or close to the government to be vaccinated, as has happened in other countries in the region such as Ecuador, Peru Yes Argentina.


COVID-19: Chile was the country that vaccinated the highest percentage of its population in the world in the first week of March

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