Chilean nurse contracted coronavirus after relapsing …


Chilean nurse tested positive for covid-19 after receiving first dose of Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine, as reported the Regional Ministerial Secretariat (Seremi) of Health of the Biobío region, located 525 kilometers south of Santiago.

After the repercussions and speculation about the case, Seremi leader Héctor Muñoz explained that immunity to the virus is achieved after the seventh day after application of the second dose, the infection scenario at that time was therefore a real possibility.

“The efficacy is already revealed by the laboratory, it has an efficiency of 9 percent, but it happens after the second dose which is at 21 days, and after this second dose, after seven days, it could be generating this efficiency. », Muñoz said.

The regional health authority indicated that the case is supervised by the pharmacovigilance team of the Institute of Public Health (ISP), and added that “a person can obviously be infected between these doses, even after this efficacy is generated.”

The affected nurse works at Las Higueras hospital in the town of Talcahuano, and so far she has only received the first dose as part of the vaccination plan the government began on December 24.

The health worker said she was aware of the considerations and possibilities after receiving the first dose. “I decided to get vaccinated because I think it is something safe and the authorities will never put something dangerous for the community“, Affirmed in radio statements.

For its part, The Ministry of Health has ruled out that the vaccine caused the presence of the disease in women and noted that the dose “does not contain the virus and only incorporates a small fragment of the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA, which instructs cells in the body to produce the ‘Spike’ protein, in order to generate an immune response against the virus “.

Chile has more than 620,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, placing it sixth among the countries with the highest number in Latin America, while also recording more than 16,700 deaths from the disease.


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