Chilean police kill young juggler | …


A carabinero murdered Francisco Martínez Romero, a young juggler in the Chilean town of Panguipulli. The officer used his firearm despite the fact that the swords used by Martínez Romero were for artistic purposes only and were dull. However, according to the testimony of a witness from the Chilean newspaper abstractThe police first shot the young man’s feet, then the chest.

“He has a bullet in the chest from the projectile, I saw him, they didn’t tell me” said the witness, who is also a nurse and helped a young man who was murdered in the street. According to the nurse’s testimony, the policeman who fired and the other policemen who were in the area immediately escaped. “The carabineros did not even cut off vehicle traffic,” he said. With the help of Francisco Martínez’s friends, they managed to take the body that was on the street to a sidewalk where the nurse tried to revive it.

Agree with abstract, the prosecution instructed the Homicide Brigade to follow the respective procedures on the spot. Panguipulli Police Station 5 – the same one that is part of the policeman who shot Francisco Martínez Romero – made no statement. After the assassination, the inhabitants erected barricades and were suppressed by the special forces of the carabinieri


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