Chilena burned her grandchild's hands for "stealing" a dollar | Chronic


A 54-year-old woman was arrested in Chile and put at the disposal of justice after burning the palm of her two grandchildren aged 6 and 8, who she accused of stealing 750 pesos Chileans, a little more than a dollar or nearly 50 Argentine pesos.

The incident occurred Tuesday in a house in the municipality of Quilicura, north of the Chilean capital, when the woman discovered the loss of money and asked explanations to their grandchildren , a 6 year old boy and an 8 year old girl.

Not having obtained a satisfactory answer, he took the children to the kitchen, where he heated a kitchen knife on the flame, and then placed them on the palm of his hand. "punish them".

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The money whose loss irritated the woman was insufficient for a group trip or in the Santiago metro during rush hours, when the rate is 800 pesos ($ 1.14).

A few minutes after the terrible punishment, he took the children to the Juan Luis Undurraga school, since the founding "Belén Educa", where teachers detected injuries.

The woman must appear before a court of guarantee (with the permission of:


The teachers found that the children did not normally use their hands, checked them, and discovered the injuries, so they decided to warn the police that shortly afterwards arrested the grandmother.

Children "They said that during the morning, the grandmother burned them with a knife, apparently for losing money", the deputy of Carabineros told reporters Luis Basualto. The woman was appearing Wednesday in a court of guarantee, while the grandchildren were recovering from their wounds.

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Apparently, the wife was responsible for her grandchildren because her father worked in a locality in the Valparaíso region, where he goes every day.


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