Chilling: Tesla radar detected a person in an empty cemetery | the Chronicle


Elon musk, Tesla’s driving force, became the richest man on the planet a few days ago, reaching a fortune of $ 188.5 billion.The founder of the electric car brand knows that his models based on advanced technology are the future, because they do not emit polluting gases.

It should be noted that one of the latest updates is a 4D radar that identifies, assesses and responds to different real-world scenarios, through a system that provides images in high resolution and in real time.

All this with the aim of identifying elements, such as pedestrians or cyclists, seeking to reduce accidents, especially when there are elements that can often obstruct vision inside the vehicle.

But it seems pedestrians aren’t the only thing this radar identifies, since a user on Tik Tok, identified as Edgar on said platform, he shared a video that demonstrates a supposed paranormal fact, since the device detected a human presence, in the middle of a cemetery.

“I guess my Tesla has a sixth sense!” commented on the post, after seeing how its car stopped during the recognition, by radar, of a person when obviously no one was around him.

System bug or paranormal experience? The truth is that the record reached over 11 million views in the aforementioned social network.

The Tesla radar therefore detected a paranormal presence in a cemetery


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