Chilling: They filmed an “alien” walking alone on a road in India | the Chronicle


A strange white creature walking along a road in India that looks a lot like an alien, went viral on social media and caused panic from many users who have viewed the recording.

While many have said it could be a montage, others say the creature in the video is one hundred percent real and the recording took place on a bridge in the town of Jharkhand, in India.

In the video you can see how this kind of alien walks calmly along the road, attracting attention with its white color, oval head and long limbs.

Some bikers spot the strange monster and record it. At this point, the alleged alien stops, turns around and looks at the motorcycles behind him.

Beyond the video, the authorities of this Indian city stressed that no complaint had been recorded concerning the appearance of the strange character, and that no investigation had been opened in this regard.

The police also sasked those who took the images to give precise testimonies in order to have concrete data on the event, because they suspect that what happened was in fact something armed.

The spooky moment the alien walks on a road in India


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