Chilling: this is how a ghost terrorized neighbors in a municipal park | the Chronicle


A video that was made viral on social networks to put “goosebumps” more than one user when capturing a ghost who used the games at a children’s park in Cali, Colombia.

It is one of the inhabitants of the place who recorded, with his mobile phone, the supposed paranormal phenomenon, which consisted of the movement of a hammock, without anyone or anything moving it naturally.

In the video, you can see that one of the hammocks is moving as if someone is swinging on it.. User Camilo Vasquez He was the one who recorded the video and made it viral on social media.

“They say there is a goblin playing in this area, the kids got scared and ensured they threw rocks at them when they got on that swing.”the man told local media. Also, the witness of the paranormal phenomenon assured that he did not intend to deceive anyone and pointed out that the video is true. “The ghost is swinging. There is no one in the park “, He described.

“Tell me where it is … I’ll go check out those swings”; “Of course, the ghost has to ask the warden a favor to let him in”; “This ghost did not have a childhood”, were some of the comments users left on the networks.

While many think this is a man’s trick to gain social media followers, there are also a lot of people who claim to believe the internet user.

The ghost that scared the locals near Cali Park

Another ghost scared a town in Colombia

A few weeks ago, at a municipal headquarters in the city of Armenia, Colombia, another user posted a video that had been recorded by the security cameras of this public building. In the footage, you can see a vigilante looking for a suspect and then falling to the ground when hit by a suspected ghost.

According to the statements of the guard of a private security company, the facts occurred at 11:30 p.m. In the midst of the darkness of the building, a man appeared and struck up a conversation with him where he said he couldn’t be there at the time, but then the man came down the stairs and disappeared. . Then the accident recorded by the cameras occurs.

The mayor of the town, José Manuel Rios, said that in the video you can see one of the vigilantes who is allegedly being attacked by a paranormal entity, but each will draw their own conclusions; in the mayor’s office we always work hand in hand with God and our bishop Carlos Quintero is aware of this situation ‘‘.


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