Chilling video: he was shot dead in front of two children in the street in broad daylight | the Chronicle


The shocking video of a shooting was released by the NYPD via Twitter. The aim is for citizens to be able to collaborate in identifying and locating two men who carried out a shooting in front of two children.

The footage shows how a man in a red diver escapes from another gunman wearing a balaclava. But the pursuit is interrupted when the victim collides with two children and falls to the ground with the minors.

At this moment, the aggressor reaches him and is in front of the three. Immediately, and despite the proximity of the children, start shooting.

Later, the attacker fled on a motorcycle, driven by an accomplice, also wanted by the police.

The facts would have occurred last Thursday at 6:45 p.m. in the Bronx neighborhood, and the victim, who was injured, is 24 years old. According to the authorities, received two hits, but he’s out of the woods now.

For their part, the minors, a 13-year-old girl and her 5-year-old brother, who were a few meters from their house, somehow avoided being shot and they were unharmed.

The children’s father spoke with Telemundo 47 and pointed out that the children were still very nervous, but he is thankful that they are doing well: “They are traumatized, with beatings, but thank goodness no gunshot hit them.”

As for the attacker and his accomplice, they are still on the run and with the video broadcast a reward for anyone who can provide information on those responsible for the brutal attack.

For his part, the New York Police Detective Chief, James vinegar, said on his Twitter account that “a blatant daytime shooting in the presence of children will not be tolerated “; and asked the public for their help in identifying the perpetrator and his companion.

The video of the shoot


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