China: a child hangs from a building for 30 minutes and manages to save him | Youtube | Video | World


In China a five-year-old boy was detained for more than half an hour by a handrail from a 19th floor apartment, event that was viralised by YouTube .

At around 6 am, a neighbor of the building heard a voice of help; at the same time, they informed the police of Dazhou City in Sichuan Province, China as reported by a channel on YouTube.

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The youngest, managed to hang on the railing, after falling from the upper floors .

After 30 minutes, authorities arrived at the apartment where the child was in danger, and so they were able to save him.

It should be noted that the parents of the child were not present when the accident occurred; This was reported this Sunday, the South China Morning Post.

Last month, a group of people rescued several children who also fell from a burning building in the east of China .

In a video, published on social networks; You can see several people trying to hold children in the building.

Another case in China a man, nicknamed "the Chinese spiderman", climbed to the fifth floor to save a little boy who was hanging from a balcony.

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