China concentrates troops in Shenzen and shakes ghost of Hong Kong military crackdown


The crisis triggered by mbadive pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong is intensifying. In a clear alarm signal, China began moving military forces into the nearby city of Shenzen.

Images taken by major news agencies show dozens of soldiers, trucks and armored personnel carriers inside and outside the stadium.

Soldiers and vehicles of the armed police of the people. (Photo: EFE / Alex Plavevski)
Soldiers and vehicles of the armed police of the people. (Photo: EFE / Alex Plavevski)

Chinese Ambbadador to London, Liu Xiaoming, said Beijing "will not be crossed arms" if the situation "worsens" and has "sufficient means and enough power to quickly quell the riots".

After two months of demonstrations in Hong Kong in favor of democracy, Beijing has conquered in recent days the ghost of an intervention aimed at restoring order in the British excolonia.

Hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people take part in protest march against
Hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people take part in a protest march against "excessive" interference from Beijing to Hong Kong, China, on July 1. (Photo: EFE / Ritchie B. Tongo).

"Terrorist acts"

Hong Kong protesters Two mainland residents were attacked on Tuesday during the major mobilization at the airport of the city, whose flights were suspended Monday and Tuesday. The protests ended with serious incidents, but the flights resumed on Wednesday.

Protesters barricades armed with carts at the airport. (Photo: AFP / MANAN VATSYAYANA).
Protesters barricades armed with carts at the airport. (Photo: AFP / MANAN VATSYAYANA).

"We condemn in the strongest terms these terrorist type actsXu Luying, spokesman for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Bureau of the Chinese government, said Wednesday in a statement.

With these accusations, Beijing equates the acts of pro-democracy protesters with "terrorism" for the second time this week. And that makes fear the military repression to repress the movement.

The police expelled them and there were violent clashes. (Photo: AFP / MANAN VATSYAYANA).
The police expelled them and there were violent clashes. (Photo: AFP / MANAN VATSYAYANA).

The current crisis in Hong Kong is the biggest challenge to the authority of China on this territory since its return by the United Kingdom in 1997.

The demonstrations, which brought millions of people to the streets, started in opposition to a bill that would have allowed extraditions to China. But later, they became a broader protest for the defense of democratic freedoms and against Beijing's influence on the territory.

In the midst of escalating tension, at the mercy of bewildering tweets and before the novelty of this concentration of forces, US President Donald Trump seemed to tie a possible trade deal with Beijing to a "human" resolution of the conflict in British excolonia.

"Millions of jobs are being lost in China to countries without tariffs, and thousands of companies are going in. Of course, China wants to reach an agreement. First, to humanly solve the problem of Hong Kong! ", Wrote the president on Twitter.

I know President Xi from China very well. He is a great leader who has a lot of respect for his people. He is also a valuable man in a "difficult business". I absolutely doubt that if President Xi wants to solve the Hong Kong problem quickly and humanly, he can do it. Personal meeting?

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 14, 2019


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