China continues its offensive against Taiwan: the hypotheses of the dangerous escalation


Chinese regime leader Xi Jinping at a ceremony in Beijing's Tiananmen Square on September 30 (Reuters)
Chinese regime leader Xi Jinping at a ceremony in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on September 30 (Reuters)

The relation between China and Taiwan he continues to walk a very narrow and dangerous path. In a new chapter in this story, last weekend the Eastern Power made a demonstration of its military power to try to scare the island. The event happened last weekend and continued into the beginning of the week. The airspace of Taiwan suffered a hurricane of Chinese regime warships, putting nation of 24 million on alert.

China deployed on Monday 56 planes of the People’s Liberation Army (EPL) on the air defense identification area of Taiwan, representing the largest number of warplanes deployed to date. This number was increasing from Saturday, when Xi Jinping sent 39 fighters to the region. In total they were recorded over 100 air force vehicles in just three days.

United States and its Western allies mobilize part of its fleet, which carries out training exercises in an area near the East Philippine Sea. Faced with this observation, Beijing wanted to show its power and its self-proclaimed control over Taiwan. “The United States is deeply concerned about the provocative military activity of the People’s Republic of China near Taiwan, which is destabilizing, risks being wrong and undermines regional peace and stability.“, said the spokesperson for the State Department, Ned Prize, that’s a statement. “We urge Beijing to end its military, diplomatic and economic pressure and coercion against Taiwan“He added.

An activist displays paint on an inverted image of Chinese President Xi Jinping during an anti-China rally in Taipei, Taiwan, October 1, 2021. REUTERS / Ann Wang
An activist displays paint on an inverted image of Chinese President Xi Jinping during an anti-China rally in Taipei, Taiwan, October 1, 2021. REUTERS / Ann Wang

For its part, the military exercises and the appearance in the conflict zone were one of the various gestures of the administration of Biden toward Taiwan, showing their support in their fight against the oppression of the Chinese Communist Party who declares himself sovereign of the territory of Taiwan without ever really controlling the island. Like America, the international community is getting closer and closer to Taiwan as the claim on China aggressively grows.

According to an article published by Bloomberg, international support for Taiwan Adds to a busy domestic political environment in China, where Xi must project force as he tries to control economic risks ahead of a key party meeting in November that could pave the way for a third five-year term in as a leader.”.

The Democratic President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, do one asked the democracies of the world so that they join in the defense of their government and the sovereignty of their nation. Through an article published in the magazine Foreign Affairs I affirm that allowing China to continue to control the island by force would show that authoritarianism is above democracy in the global competition for values.

As countries increasingly recognize the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party, they should understand the value of working with Taiwan. And they should remember that if Taiwan fell, the consequences would be catastrophic for regional peace and the system of democratic alliances.», He said in closing.

Drew thompson, guest researcher of National University of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, said the increase in overflights of Beijing it could be designed for internal consumption. “This is clearly an escalation of their political war effort, and it is not necessarily related to a specific factor, but perhaps to the general situation across the Strait as seen by Beijing.“Thompson said Bloomberg.

The possibility cannot be ruled out that these large-scale outings are intended to send a political message to key audiences in China, and not just Taiwan, which is why the anniversary of the founding of the PRC was chosen.”.


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