China defended repression of Tiananmen Square in 1989


China has considerably hardened its speech in the last few hours, in the middle of the commercial offer it maintains with the United States, and tries to justify the bloody crackdown on the Tiananmen student rebellion of 1989, described as " correct. " As if that was not enough, he threatened to use his army to "control" Taiwan. This nation is considered a "rebel province" by the Chinese Communist regime. Tomorrow we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the brutal military crackdown on students in Tiananmen Square, in the heart of Beijing.

At the time of the 30th anniversary of the recall of the brutal military offensive against students in Beijing's central square, Tiananmen imposes its own weight. Defnesa's Chinese minister Wei Fenghe called the slaughter "turbulence" and said the government of the day acted "decisively" to stop the protests. According to the general, "the government had to calm down the political turmoil, it was the right policy.By thanks to them, China has enjoyed stability and if you visit China, you can understand that part of the world. ;history".

Fenghe has omitted from his particular vision of what happened to the thousands of victims left behind by the repression. On Saturday, the Tiananmen student rebellion was remembered in Hong Kong, the only Chinese territory with a certain autonomy, and the "rebel province" of Taiwan.

In addition to being an unusual event for Beijing representatives, who tend to avoid commenting on Tiananmen, Fenghe's words reflect the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) turn under President Xi's impulse Jinping, who ordered the return of nationalism and the most conservative positions also forced a constitutional reform to concentrate even more powers in their hands.

Inspired by this new style of confrontation, Fenghe not only declared that China was willing to continue the trade war with the United States. "If you want to talk, we'll keep the door open, if you want to fight, we're ready," he said. And if that was not enough, he recovered the threats against Taiwan.

"If anyone dares to separate Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will have no choice but to fight for national unity, no matter what the case may be. underestimate the determination and will of the Chinese army is extremely dangerous, "threatened the defense minister. Fenghe, at a time when Washington has intensified its relations with Taiwan. Recently, Donald Trump's national security advisor, John Bolton, met with his counterpart in Taiwan, David Lee, a gesture unprecedented since 1979. The military posturing of all participants in this conflict has intensified in recent weeks. , with the maneuvers of the Taiwanese army, the aircraft overflights of the Communist People 's Republic of China and the US naval patrols.

US Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan joined this spiral of inflexible expressions and said his country was preparing to end Beijing's military expansion. "The United States is not looking for conflict, but we know that having the skills to win a war is the best way to avoid it.We will not ignore the behavior of the Chinese. , people have struggled on this issue, "said the chef. of the Pentagon.

An increasingly rhetorical rhetoric shared by the minister and General Wei Fenghe, who have not even evaded the specter of a military conflict with Washington, although he has admitted the catastrophic consequences of this hypothesis. "Both sides realize that a war would be a disaster for both countries and for the world," he added.

Asia-Pacific auction

The dialectical offensive was launched from two scenarios: Beijing, where the government presented a "White Paper" on the trade war waged with Washington, and the Shangri-La Dialogue Security Forum in Singapore, where the said minister Chinese Defense, Wei Fenghe, responded to US Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan. The United States accused China of "destabilizing the region," while the Asia-Pacific had asked it to "cooperate" with its neighbors. Shanahan accused the international "actors", without naming them, of "destabilizing the region, trying to reorganize its vibrant and diverse communities for its exclusive benefit", with a "toolbox" including "the deployment of digital systems. advanced weapons militarize disputed areas ". Beijing claims islands in the South China Sea to the detriment of the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei and, taking de facto measures, has built military installations on disputed islands in Manila, although, in 2016, The Permanent Court of Arbitration The Hague (CPA) has recognized Philippine sovereignty of the same.

Analysts have warned for weeks that the trade crisis the two states are facing threatens to spill over from this ground into a more general dispute that accentuates bilateral political and military tensions. In this regard, Beijing yesterday released a "White Paper" on the commercial offer with the United States, which it has accused of having increased their claims without measure and tried to enforce concessions implying a violation of Chinese "sovereignty". "When we offer more, we want more," says the document that blames the crisis in Washington and warns that Beijing "will not make concessions on its fundamental principles."

On Friday, Beijing announced the configuration of its own "list of unreliable entities" and, without giving further details on this decision, Chinese newspapers promptly suggested names to include, such as Google and the British company's ARM chip design. Saturday, the United States began to apply tariffs of 25% on some 200 billion dollars of Chinese imports. China responded by imposing tariffs of 10% and 65% on a wide range of products imported from the United States.

souvenir An inflatable tank recalls the famous resistance to repression in Taipei, Taiwan.


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