China does not want to advance in trade negotiations with the United States


China may have no interest at the moment in pursuing trade negotiations with the United States, saying that US President Donald Trump's approach lacks "sincerity", according to comments released by Chinese state media.

If the US "It does not perform any concrete action" with which it shows "sincerity", then it makes no sense that its officials arrive in China and have commercial conversations, underlines Taoran Notes, an affiliate WeChat blog to the economic newspaper Economic Daily. The Chinese media are referring to Wednesday's statement by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who said he would try to go to Beijing soon to continue the trade talks.

In addition, the Chinese media said Beijing has already shown its sincerity by sending Vice Premier Liu He to the United States. continue negotiations after Donald Trump has decided to raise tariffs for a series of Chinese products imported to the United States from 10% to 25%. $ 200,000 million a year. However, Washington has not changed its position vis-à-vis Beijing and then introduced restrictions against the Chinese company Huawei.

"The United States does not show any sincerity in the continuation of the talks, they rather deploy their means of pressure: on the one hand, they declare to participate in the talks, but on the other side, they continue to use small tricks to destroy the climate of the talks, "according to the newspaper quoted by the South China Morning Post.

The tariff war between the United States and China

May 10, after the United States Increasing tariffs of a series of Chinese products imported worth $ 200,000 million a year from 10% to 25%, the US president ordered to raise China's remaining import tariffs, estimated at about $ 300,000 million.

For its part, China's Commerce Ministry said Friday that it "deeply regretted" the increase in US tariffs. to his exports, adding that he can do no more than take countermeasures in this regard. In this regard, China has reacted to the US-imposed increase in tariffs on its products. The Chinese Ministry of Finance has announced the announcement of a plan to introduce import levies on June 1 from June 1, starting June 1.



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