China has approved the use of Coronavac vaccine against …


The company Sinovac Biotech reported this Saturday that the Chinese National Administration of Medicinal Products authorized the application of Coronovac vaccine, which has already been administered to the groups most exposed to the coronavirus, but which will now be able to reach the rest of the population.

Conditional commercial approval is based on the results of two months of phase 3 clinical trials abroad. Definitive data has not yet been obtained, and the efficacy and safety results require further confirmation, ”the pharmacist said in a statement.

Numerous clinical trials have been carried out within the Asian giant and in countries such as Brazil Yes turkey. Although the efficacy and safety results have not yet been fully confirmed, studies have shown different rates of effectiveness.

While testing in Turkey showed 91.25% effectiveness, data from Indonesia shows 65.3% and Brazil, where President Jair Bolsonaro is fighting a bitter fight against the vaccine, has dropped to 50, 4%.

The drug should be applied in two doses of 0.5 milliliters each with an interval of 14 to 28 days, the pharmacist said in a statement.

China’s second vaccine authorized

On December 31, health authorities approved, for the first time, the commercial use of a vaccine against Covid-19: the inactive virus developed by the pharmaceutical company Sinopharm and its subsidiary Beijing Biological Products Institute.

At the moment, China is immersed in a vaccination campaign that aims to vaccinate 50 million people before the arrival of the lunar new year on February 12As these are the most popular festivals in the country, they involve massive displacement and authorities fear the virus will spread there.

However, according to the latest official figures, the country has 1,235 actively infected, of which 27 are in serious condition.


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