China has cloned one of his best police dogs to save on his training


"Huahuangma" has gained fame in Chinese police. The dog, aged seven, performs so effectively that he is considered the Sherlock Holmes of his kind. The Asian authorities admire him to the point that they decided to clone him to save in future training.

This Kunming greyhound works in a police station in Yunnan Province, in the south-west of the country. His nickname was earned after becoming a fundamental link for detectives.

According to the newspaper China Daily, its clone has 99.9% identical DNA to the original. The decision to "replicate" came from the security forces themselves, who want to save money and time.

This type of dog must undergo training at a very high cost. Experts stressed that it may be worthwhile more than 70 thousand dollars and it expands until five years old.

The clone is already a three-month-old puppy, who is trained to start working. Credit: China Daily
The clone is already a three-month-old puppy, who is trained to start working. Credit: China Daily

The professor from Yunnan University, Wei Hongjiang, is one of those who participated in the cloning process. He clarified that this would help strengthen national security because it is an exceptional dog.

The clone, which is now three months old, has been named "Kunxun". "The puppy showed a good ability to sniff, detect and adapt the unknown environment in our capacity tests, "said Wan Jiusheng, another of the researchers.

The next step will be training to detect drugs, control crowds and search for evidence. Once he reaches 10 months, he will be transferred to a police station to begin his duties.


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