China has triggered immediate retaliation against US tariffs – 06/07/2018


China announced Friday that it had "immediately" put in place retaliatory measures against US imports following the entry into force in the US of tariffs on imported Chinese products worth $ 34 billion. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lu Kang, announced at a press conference in Beijing the imposition of these measures, but did not give details about their quantity or the products that would be affected.

Tariffs against China, China's measures against the United States did it immediately " Lu confirmed, three hours after the entry into force of US duties on goods Chinese at 00.00 hours on the East Coast of the United States 19659004] Global Tension: United States China and China today launch an unpredictable trade war "src =" collections / static / lazy_square.svg "data-big =" "data-small =" 07/05 / SyH2vm3G7_110x110__1.jpg "observe =" "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>

The authorities of the country warned that if Washington applied this batch of charges, targeting mainly high-value industrial and technological products, Beijing would respond by applying US tariffs to the same value, or $ 34 billion

It would be mainly agricultural products, especially soy, and other consumer goods such as cars or whiskey, without specifying what were the products applied.

The foreign spokesman insisted that "a trade war will not benefit anyone" and that "pressures and threats will lead nowhere."

" We do not want to see an escalation of trade frictions, "he said, while saying that China was trying to convince the United States to" build globalization objectively and resolve disputes appropriately through dialogue. ".