China is not afraid of a war


He warns that he will fight to the end against American measures.

China The Chinese government has warned that Washington should not underestimate its ability and willingness to defend itself and stressed that, although it does not want a trade war, "it is not afraid" and "will fight to the end" if a deal beneficial to both countries is not concluded. . Meanwhile, Donald Trump responded shortly after Twitter that "when the time comes, there will be an agreement with Beijing" and that the negotiation must result in "an excellent offer for the United States or simply has no meaning". In his message, the president stressed his "respect and friendship with President Xi (Jinping)," criticized the "lost in China's trade because of the ridiculous unilateral formation of the WTO", although that he hoped that "everything will happen, and much faster than people think."

"It's normal to have differences and that's why we should keep talking.How can you accuse someone of breaking a promise?" There is no signed agreement? "Geng Shuang spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on trade issues

Chinese chancellery spokesman Geng Shuang justified the imposition of tariffs on goods imported from the United States worth $ 60,000 million, a measure that is a response to the latest protectionist action adopted by the Trump Executive. "Unlike the United States, we maintain our calm.We want to continue working and meet us halfway to sign a mutually beneficial agreement.Our attitude is constructive, but someone has underestimated our ability to us defend and try to confuse public opinion, "said Geng, apparently making reference to Trump's latest statements. Geng criticized Washington's "maximum pressure" after Trump's latest tariff increase on Friday, affecting Chinese goods worth $ 200,000 million.

"We advise the United States to listen to the reaction of the international community, to listen to the voices of the different sectors and to calculate the losses and profits of its unilateral actions in order to find the right way: to work with China and find a intermediate point to facilitate an agreement, "he said. In addition, the Chinese government spokesman denied that Beijing had broken the commitments already made when the trade pact was nearing completion.


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