China is not afraid of the trade war


5,515 words in English were enough for the People's Republic of China to summarize its position on the trade war with the United States. An official document released by Beijing last June, which has not been widely distributed in the West, strongly questions the administration of Donald Trump and his "commercial intimidation", rejects accusations of the theft of intellectual property and proposes an alternative model of global governance.

"China does not want a trade war, but it is not afraid and will fight if necessary", announced the Asian government in its White Paper, a text containing a series of concepts and statements fundamental to understand the battle with the Americans from a deeper point of view. integral. Since Beijing, they claim that the conflict involves the interests of the two peoples involved and the stability of the world.

After sharp criticism of the Trump government – even in the US president's slogans – China claims that, while announcing "America First", the White House is using tariffs as a lever to force other countries to accept your requests. In addition, they claim that the trade war "did not make America great again" ("Make America Great Again" was the slogan of the 2016 campaign), but that it was causing Serious damage to the economy by putting more than three million jobs on US soil.

In the juiciest part of the paper, they warn the United States – and the world – that equating trade deficits at a competitive disadvantage is a mistake. And they show data: in 40 years, trade between China and the United States has multiplied by 242; The Asian country is a key export market for airplanes, soybeans, cars, integrated circuits and US cotton; and trade in services between China and the United States is very complementary, while the country led by Xi Jinping is the largest US tourist destination in Asia-Pacific, while the United States is the largest destination to abroad for Chinese students.

More data

In 2018, China's trade deficit with the United States reached $ 48.5 billion. According to his Ministry of Commerce, by the end of 2018, the direct trade investment of Asians in the United States exceeded $ 73 billion.

In addition, in 2017, the total business turnover of companies investing in China in the United States rose to $ 700 billion, with profits exceeding $ 50 billion.

"We would be better off without them," said Trump, although the figures seem to contradict him.

From Beijing, they conclude that if trade in goods and services is taken into account, as well as bilateral investments, relations between the two countries are mutually beneficial and the United States is not disadvantaged, as Trump argues.

"Any trade war is political", would say a Solari Indian, "international badyst". The Chinese government is also taking advantage of this document to position itself around the world during times of unrest.

In the paragraph that more clearly shows the "socialist" view of the market of the communist administration, it is baderted that economic globalization is a firmly established trend and that unilateralism and protectionism aimed at "impoverishing the neighbor Are unpopular in the world. . Phone for many of the emerging leaders of Europe and America.

Already in a declaration of principles, they declare that a civilized country uses energetic measures only when cooperative approaches have failed and that any negotiation must be based on mutual respect and mutual respect. equality. In this context, they are felt on each of the setbacks and contradictions in Washington since the beginning of the conflict.

Thus, Chinese diplomacy is reaffirming its history as a hub of multilateral dialogue and negotiation, building concepts such as "shared benefit" and "common destiny of nations", unlike the United States represented by a protectionist president , frontal, unilateral and Threat Twitter.

"No challenge will slow China's development," says the white paper.

China argues that it prefers cooperation with the world's leading power, provided that it does not affect its growth. At the same time, he warns that he has enough resources to support the trade war for the time needed. Will continue …

Campaign against Huawei Now in the Persian Gulf

The United States has moved its campaign against the Chinese company Huawei in the Persian Gulf, recommending that their allies in this region do not allow this company to participate in the development of 5G networks.

The warnings that Washington has spread among its European partners arrived last week in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, during a visit by the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai, reported on Washington Post.

* Special

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 14/09/2019 in our print edition.


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