China provoked Taiwan again: it sent 11 fighter jets through the island’s air defense identification zone


REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration
REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration

The Taiwanese Ministry of Defense has indicated that eleven chinese fighter planes they passed their air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on Tuesday, at a time when the island’s navy was planning to maneuver in response to the exercises announced by China.

According to a statement from the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense, the Chinese incursion was carried out with two Y-8 reconnaissance planes, one KJ-500 radar plane, six J-16 fighters and two H-6K bombers.

The Taiwanese Air Force issued radio warnings and mobilized various units until the Chinese planes left the area, according to the ministry.

This image released by the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense shows a China People's Liberation Army H-6 bomber as it flies near the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone.  (Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan via AP)
This image released by the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense shows a China People’s Liberation Army H-6 bomber as it flies near the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone. (Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan via AP)

The incursion took place in the southwest of the island, near the Dongsha Islands, after Taiwanese Defense spokesman Shi Shunwen said yesterday that the Taiwanese armed forces were ready to “respond accordingly” to military maneuvers in the south of the island announced by Beijing.

Chinese Army Eastern Theater of Operations (PLA) Command Spokesman and Colonel Shi Yi on Tuesday announced China’s dispatch of warships and fighter jets and anti -submarines on the south-east and south-west coasts of Taiwan to “test its operational capacity”. . “

The military exercises are a response to “Taiwanese separatist forces,” said Shi, against whom his troops “will continue to strengthen their combat readiness.”

The Taiwanese Defense Ministry denounced that eleven Chinese fighter jets were passing the Taiwanese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).  EFE / ALEKSANDAR PLAVEVSKI / amd
The Taiwanese Defense Ministry reported that eleven Chinese fighter jets were passing the Taiwanese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). EFE / ALEKSANDAR PLAVEVSKI / amd

The command added in a statement that “live fire exercises have been carried out at several locations near the island” in “response to provocations” by the United States and Taiwan, which allegedly “undermined the sovereignty of the China, “becoming in” the greatest source of risk “in the Taiwan Strait.

In early August, the United States Department of State approved the sale of arms supplies to Taiwan worth $ 750 million, a move that China called it “interference” in its internal affairs.

Since 2016, Taiwan buys from the United States armament worth more than $ 16.7 billion to defend itself against a possible attack from Beijing which, although having declared its intention of a peaceful reunification, has not renounced the use of force.

In June, the island authorities denounced 28 fighter planes The Chinese entered their Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).

The tension has also recently spread to the diplomatic arena.

On August 10, Beijing called its ambassador to Lithuania for consultations after Taiwan announced in July the opening of a representative office in Vilnius.

The military maneuvers come at a time when official Chinese media such as the Global Times have pointed to the US “abandoning” Afghanistan, which should serve as a lesson to Taiwan that the United States ” is not trustworthy “.

Taiwan -where the Chinese nationalist army withdrew after the defeat at the hands of communist troops in the civil war- It has been governed autonomously since 1949, although China claims sovereignty over the island, which it considers a rebellious province.

(with information from the EFE)


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