China reports world’s first human case of H10N3 avian influenza



June 1, 2021 07:20 GMT

The patient is a 41-year-old man from Jiangsu Province, who was hospitalized on April 28 after developing a fever and other symptoms.

China’s National Health Commission on Tuesday reported the detection of the world’s first human case of H10N3 bird flu in eastern Jiangsu province.

The patient is a 41-year-old man from Zhenjiang City, who was hospitalized on April 28 after developing a fever and other symptoms. On May 28, he was diagnosed with H10N3 bird flu, according to the Commission, without specifying how the contagion occurred.

Currently the patient is stable and “Basically meets standards” to be unloaded of the hospital. Everyone who came into contact with him has been placed under medical surveillance and so far no cases of H10N3 have been identified among them.

The Commission has concluded that H10N3 is a low pathogenic strain poultry virus which “does not have the capacity to infect humans effectively”, the risk of large-scale spread is therefore “extremely low”.

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