China: Rescue a baby who survived the flood for more than a day | the Chronicle


Since last weekend, torrential rains have hit China’s Henan Province, home to more than 12 million people. The amount of water that came down from the sky caused heavy flooding and so far, 56 dead.

However, in the face of this bleak outlook, something positive can be found. It turns out that a rescue team was able to save a barely three-month-old baby who was trapped overnight alone in a collapsed building.

Besides the people who saved her, this story has another hero, his mother. The woman died of the flooding, but the position in which her daughter was found suggests that before losing her life, she managed to raise her and place her in a safe place away from water. Without this action, clearly the girl, who was hospitalized without serious injuries. I wouldn’t have survived.

The baby just at the time of rescue.

According to authorities, so far the death toll has risen to 56, while 5 others are still missing. Typhoon In-Fa in Zhengzhou, capital of the province located just 700 kilometers from Beijing, forced the evacuation of 376,000 people and more than 3 million were affected by this natural disaster. For its part, the Beijing Meteorological Office has already anticipated that the rains will continue in the coming days.

So far, estimates have been made to calculate the losses caused by the floods. Let me tell you in advance that the number is not encouraging, because it is around 9,300 million euros. The city authorities will continue for several days to help rescued, fight against the mud and pull vehicles from the depths.

More than 350,000 people were evacuated by the floods.

Thousands of firefighters and Chinese army personnel were present in the area to assist in rescues, such as the baby. According to local media Xinhua, these missions focus on a tunnel on Jinguang Road in Zhengzou town, which has been completely underwater since last Tuesday, trapping several cars. Despite these efforts, the amount of water did not make it possible to calculate the number of people trapped there.

The Chinese military and firefighters have joined in the rescue missions.

The leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Xi Jiping, classified the floods as “extremely serious”, He also added that “Some tanks have seen their dams burst (…) causing serious injuries, deaths and property damage.” Local meteorologists have also claimed that such a storm is taking place “Once every hundred years.”

Local authorities explained that “He recorded a series of rare and severe thunderstorms, causing water to accumulate in the Zhengzhou metro. The disaster was not only seen in Henan, but also in several neighboring provinces where rivers and reservoirs overflowed.


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