China returns to make a move to the United States in its trade war


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has asked his US counterpart, Mike Pompeo, to show restraint in his public statements on current trade tensions between the two countries.

In a telephone conversation between the two men, Wang asked to inform US President Donald Trump not to go "too far" in the current trade dispute between the two parties and badured that China was still willing to resolve the issues. disputes. through negotiations, as long as they take place in an "equality" regime.

"China continues to defend a solution to economic and trade disputes through consultations and negotiations, but they must be negotiations on an equal footing," according to the official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "In any negotiation, China must safeguard the legitimate interests of the country, respond to the general voice of the people and defend the basic rules of international relations," according to the text.

"The two sides should, in accordance with the direction established by the two heads of state, manage the differences on the basis of mutual respect, develop cooperation on the basis of mutual benefit and jointly promote Sino-US relations based on coordination, cooperation and stability ", adds the note.

The China Commission for Development and Reform (NDRC) has ensured that the economic impact caused by the trade dispute with the United States over the Asian giant is "manageable".

The NDRC, which presented its badysis at a press conference in Beijing, the country's capital, said tensions with Washington had affected China's economic situation, so that appropriate measures will be put in place. place to fix it. the effects.

China has recorded weak growth in retail sales and industrial production, which is increasing pressure on Beijing to increase incentives, as the trade war with the United States intensifies.

This week, Trump badured that he could reach an agreement with China, although he added that the North American country was in a better position than ever thanks to its hard line. US authorities have indicated that Chinese tariffs on Chinese goods worth $ 200 billion are importing the United States into a "better situation" than they would have "with" the world. any agreement they may have reached ".


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