China threatened Brazil with “negative consequences …


China has warned Brazil that it could suffer “negative consequences” by calling statements by MP Eduardo Bolsonaro “infamous”, who accused the Asian giant of spying via 5G technology. The statement issued by the Chinese Embassy in Brasilia constitutes a change of tone vis-à-vis the South American country, declared ally of the outgoing President of the United States, Donald Trump, and its rhetoric against Beijing.

President Jair Bolsonaro’s son and current president of the Committee for External Relations of the Chamber of Deputies, deleted the divisive post on Twitter after having held a meeting with the Minister of Communications, Fabio Faría, and advisers from the National Telecommunications Agency. There, the central issue was precisely that of calls for tenders for the fifth generation Internet in 2021.

We believe that the Brazilian company does not adhere to or accept this type of position. We urge these figures to stop following the rhetoric of the American right, stop the disinformation and slander against China and the Sino-Brazilian friendship and avoid going too far down the wrong path, “the statement from the Chinese Embassy in Brazil said. It added that” otherwise, they will pay negative consequences and will blame historical responsibility for disrupting the normality of the China-Brazil alliance. “

Jair Bolsonaro’s government hesitant to reveal whether or not he will accept Chinese society Huawei, installed in the country since 1999, in the 5G offer planned for next year. The angry Chinese reaction was due to a post on social media from Eduardo Bolsonaro, who said Brazil symbolically adheres to the US ‘Clean Network’ initiative to slow down Huawei’s advance, a global leader in fifth generation Internet technology.

“Jair Bolsonaro’s government has declared its support for the Clean Network, launched by the Trump administration, creating a global alliance for secure 5G, without spying from China,” he said. Eduardo Bolsonaro, who added that the Chinese Communist Party “is an aggressive entity and an enemy of freedom”.

After the publication of the Chinese Embassy statement, Brazilian MP deleted his message from Twitter. However, Eduardo Bolsonaro kept another part of the post in which he accused Huawei of “dangerous behavior”, without going into details.

The Chinese embassy warns that “the statement of the deputy and other personalities affects relations” between the two countries. Brazil’s largest trading partner considers the “unfounded” statements to lend themselves to the opinion of a United States which, among other things, seeks to “slander” its country and harm Chinese companies like Huawei, which aspires to enter the Brazilian 5G market.

“This is totally unacceptable to the Chinese side and we express deep discontent and vehement repudiation of such behavior,” the Chinese embassy said., adding that he has already carried out the “formal management” of the situation through the corresponding diplomatic channels.

This is the second time that the Embassy has reacted against MP Bolsonaro. This year he had linked the Chinese government to the coronavirus pandemic. “It’s China’s fault and freedom would be the solution”, condemned on this occasion the son of the far-right president. In another of his tweets, he described covid-19 as “a Chinese virus,” echoing the words of Trump, with whom Jair Bolsonaro has always sought to forge alliances.

Chinese Ambassador to Brasilia Yang Wanming Even Says MP Has “Mental Virus”, a statement in which Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo reacted against China, which in its writings considers Trump the “savior of the planet”. Current chairman of the Chamber of Deputies’ foreign relations committee, Eduardo Bolsonaro has come to be seen as a possible Brazilian ambassador to the United States.

The president’s son’s statement was also rejected by Brazil’s right-wing agribusiness-linked sector. “This irresponsible person cannot have more wings, and the worst part is that the father does not tell him anything. They are putting the country at risk with this insane ideology about 5G and the Chinese vaccine, “said Fausto Pinato, chairman of the Brazil-China Parliamentary Front.” The Bolsonaro will lose both battles, because they lost the mad instructor named Trump. Bolsonaro loses credibility in the world day by day“He added without half measures.

China has been Brazil’s main trading partner since 2009 and one of the main sources of foreign investment in the country. According to official data, bilateral trade increased from $ 3.2 billion in 2001 to $ 98 billion in 2019.


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