Chinese people want Argentine meat – :: El Litoral – News – Santa Fe – Argentina


Chinese Want Argentinean Meat

Campolitoral / IPCVA

[email protected]

According to the International Consultant Asia Agribusiness Consulting (AAC), the People's Republic of China is a land of great opportunities for our meat, This should begin to position itself as a high quality product, a segment led by Australia and the United States.

The International Consultant Asian Agribusiness Consulting (AAC), with twenty years of experience in the East, today presented the results of an in-depth study. qualitative market commissioned by the Institute for the Promotion of Argentine Beef (IPCVA) in the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong

The study included research and interviews between importers, distributors, supermarkets and consumers without neglect e-commerce, big growth in recent years (where the giants "" and "T-mall" account for 61% of the total

"Today, China accounts for more than 50% of our Exports, that is why it is very important to study the market to design strategies that not only increase sales to the industry but also position themselves as high meat. quality, a better price, "said Ulises Forte, president of IPCVA, after the presentation.

The first big news of this work is that the Chinese, who currently consume only six kilograms of beef a year , will eat 8, 1 This is not a minor fact, since it is a market of over 1,300 million inhabitants that is not self sufficient and will not be able to do it despite government initiatives in this regard – at least in the short and medium term

In the Chinese market, traditional marketing systems coexist (in which "hot" meat is sold, almost without a cold chain) with increasing sales in the region. large supermarkets and the "boom" of electronic commerce, while presenting cultural and gastronomic differences very mercadas in different regions of the country. In this context, beef is beginning to be considered a very valuable protein in a market dominated by pork.

E-commerce is an increasingly important platform, especially for imported meat. Although it still acts of a segment that represents a small market share, it is expected to grow faster than the traditional retailer (about 15.9% vs. 9.5% in sales to the detail in the channels). more modern but no connection.)

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