Chinese retaliation: New tariffs are already applied to products made in the United States


Customs surcharges will apply to a total of 5,410 products, with respective rates of 10%, 20% and even 25%. These goods are already subject to tariffs.

This measure is a response to additional customs duties on Chinese products in the amount of $ 200,000 million announced by the US President in early May. Donald Trump.

Turnover between the two countries amounts to u $ 360,000 million.

Condoms, perfumes, wine and pianos are among the American products concerned by the price increase.

This measure comes after a week marked by verbal escalation between China and the United States, during which Beijing threatened to restrict the export of rare earths, a key product for the technology sector after Trump includes blacklist in China's telecommunications giant Huawei.

For its part, Beijing announced that it would create its own blacklist of "unreliable" foreign companies.

The United States and China resumed their tariff battle this month after the Washington talks were settled without any agreement. The Americans accused the Chinese negotiators of having reneged on their previous commitments.


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