Chris Hemsworth, Thor, confesses that he hates the other heroes raising the Mjolnir in Avengers Endgame


Captain America raises Thor's hammer

This detail completes a scene of Avengers: The Ultron era (Avengers Age of Ultron, 2015) in which all heroes attempt to move the Mojlnir, although no one succeeds. However, the weapon moves a micromile centimeter when Cape Town touches him, at the embarrassed look of the Thunder Dio.

Avengers compete for the Mjolnir

However, at the end of the same movie, the android Vision he manipulates it as he pleases and is worthy of handling it, bypassing the spell imposed by Odin on the hammer.

In this context, and during a visit to the ACE Comic Con that took place this weekend in Chicago, the actor who plays Thor, Chris HemsworthIt was obscured by the fact that "everyone raises his hammer like a toy".


"I'm pretty angry, yes. I'm tired of people picking up this hammer, to be honest. He plays with my toys, you know, it's like "give me this," he laughed at the people present at the conference that organized the event.

At this point, the moderator emphasized that his performance he had been so good that his rejection was not noticeable on the big screen, to which he replied: "(But the reality is that) I cared Give me the hammer, Cap. Keep your little shield", With reference to the element that made the head of the Avengers.

Hemsworth went further and reported, devoid of memory, that Captain America was not able to take the "Stormbreaker", The second hammer he had, but the fans pointed out that he did and that he himself ask you to return it on the scene, but he denied again and only assured that he was covering his eyes when that happened.

Hemsworth is known for his funny character and subtle humor that has been put forward on several occasions, such as when they interviewed Tom Holland while they were promoting new movies from Spidermanand Men in black.

What was clear is that the future will not give truce to Hemsworth because Thor: love and thunder the return of Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), a character who knew nothing since Thor a dark world (Thor The Dark World, 2013) but who will come back to take the Mjolnir under his care as Thor's wife this was seen a few years ago in comics.

Can you overcome it or will it become a new trauma for Hemsworth?


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