Christne Lagarde officially said goodbye to the IMF with a video on the networks


Christne Lagarde He bid farewell to the leadership of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with a video highlighting the actions of the credit agency. The new head of the European Central Bank was responsible for signing the confirmation agreement with Argentina for a loan of 57,000 million US dollars.

"This is an institution that is defined by your brain and your wallet, as well as by your heartOn these words, the former head of the Fund said goodbye to social networks.

Today is my last day as General Manager of the @IMFNews, an institution with a brain, a wallet – and a heart. Over the past eight years, we have strengthened the Fund's commitment to serving its member countries. It's an experience that I will cherish forever.

– Christine Lagarde (@Lagarde) September 12, 2019

"It's my last day as Managing Director of the IMF, it's a day full of mixed emotions, and as I've said before, it's an institution that It is defined by your brain and your wallet, as well as by your heart.. Working together for eight years, we have strengthened the IMF's commitment to serving its member countries. It's an experience I will cherish forever, "he added.


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With the loan to Argentina, Lagarde compromised the biggest debt in history, with a program that was to end in 2021. Up to now, the IMF has disbursed $ 44.1 billion on the loan and a forthcoming transfer of $ 5.4 billion is expected for this year, which was suspended in recent weeks.

With the departure of the former director, the agreement will remain in force but everything indicates that payment terms will be renegotiated, after the victory in primary of the candidate of the Front of all, Alberto Fernandez.


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