"Chucky" and "Novato", young people who confessed to murdering the Argentine tourist to steal 200 reais – 21/02/2019


They were captured and they confessed. They are called "Chucky" and "Rookie". The two young Brazilians, aged 22 and 18, were arrested Wednesday in Salvador de Bahía for the crime of Luis Daniel Barizone, a 65-year-old Cordoban tourist who was stabbed. Flying in front of his family when they left the lighthouse at Itapuá beach after watching the sunset.

"When they were arrested, they confessed and they also found the stolen cell phones to the Barizone family. will be subject to a recognition wheel. Both have a criminal record, "he said. Clarin the consul of Argentina in Salvador de Bahia, Pablo Virasoro.

Daniel Barizone, a Cordouan who stayed in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) with his wife and daughter was killed during an attempted robbery.

Daniel Barizone, a Cordouan who stayed in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) with his wife and daughter was killed during an attempted robbery.

This Thursday afternoon, Emilia Cano and Daniela Barizone, the woman and the daughter of the victim who witnessed the crime, will participate in the recognition wheel where the detainees will be. They will be accompanied by Argentine Deputy Prosecutor Santiago Trasmonte.

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According to the news agency TelamThe detainees were identified as Lucas Amancio de Souza (22), nicknamed "Chucky", and Danilo Lima (18), known as "Rookie". And they got them through security cameras of the municipality of Salvador de Bahía and after the testimony of witnesses.

The two suspects arrested for the crime of the Argentine tourist in Salvador de Bahia, say "Chucky" and "Rookie".

The two suspects arrested for the crime of the Argentine tourist in Salvador de Bahia, say "Chucky" and "Rookie".

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

According to Consul Virasoro, the two detainees have a history of robberies, although it is the criminal nicknamed "Chucky" who is better known in the region: he had been arrested six timesaccused of robbery, theft, illegal possession of arms and drug trafficking.

After being interrogated, both admitted to having participated in the theft and crime of Barizone and They said they sold both cell phones They stole the Argentinian family in Farol de Itapuá, one of the main sights of Salvador de Bahía.

While all this was going on, we knew that the government of Cordoba will pay the costs of repatriation of the body from Barizone. Exactly, Daniela, the daughter of the victim, had asked for help to pay the four thousand dollars involved in the transfer and funeral services and she thanked the authorities Thursday for their collaboration.

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That's more, according to could know Clarin, the procedures are ready, it is expected that the Brazilian funeral society will receive the transfer of money and find a flight to Córdoba that can move the body.

"Not all planes are able to do it," the sources said. The victim 's wife and daughter will travel to Córdoba a few days before the coffin of Barizone who bled to death on the beach of Itapua' s lighthouse.

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Until this place last Tuesday, the man with his wife and daughter had gone to watch the sunset and take pictures. They were not more than 10 minutes in place and when they left, the tragedy occurred: two men they stole 200 reais and two cell phones and they stabbed the tourist of Cordoba.

Luis Barizone with his daughter and his wife during one of the many family holidays. (Facebook)

Luis Barizone with his daughter and his wife during one of the many family holidays. (Facebook)

"When I turned around, there was one of the thieves and my father was hugging me." I was approaching, thinking that the situation was under control until I saw that They stuck the knife in his back"said Daniela.

"My husband started shouting"I was shot, I die, I die& # 39; I asked for help and did not know what to do. Two men came, who laid him down and I saw that there was a hole in which he was bleeding a lot. Finally, despite the efforts of a medical team arrived at the scene, my husband died, "said Emilia Cano, the wife of Barizone.


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