Church called to protest against decriminalization


Abortion I: The Church Demonstrated Against Decriminalization

Thursday, July 26, 2018 00:00

Source  Increase Source "title =" Increase Source "/> <img decoding=  The Church called to protest against the proposed termination of pregnancy. The Church called to protest against the proposed termination of pregnancy The Episcopal Conference encouraged to publicly declare rejection of the initiative, prior to the vote in the Senate.

In the midst of popular debate on the decriminalization of abortion, and while the exhibitions are taking place in Congress, the Church has called out to protest against the proposed termination of pregnancy.
"The days before the parliamentary definition and in particular on August 8th, various groups of laypeople and organizations will express, in all the dioceses of the country, their conviction and the demand for defense of life in the national legislation", says the Communication of the Episcopal Conference.
"As we have said on other occasions, we support and encourage those who wish to come forward publicly as responsible citizens to show respect for life within the framework of their own right of expression. to democracy, "says the text. ] "Pastors and faithful, we once again pronounce, as Pope Francis tells us," in a clear, firm and pbadionate way "on the value of all human life. This is not only an announcement, but a commitment that we suppose to be Christian and to be part of the Argentine society ", concludes the declaration to which adheres the Episcopal Commissions of the Laity and the Family; Social communication; Liturgy and pastoral care of health.
In parallel, clinics and private hospitals signed a petition asking them to "have full freedom" not to perform abortions.
In the note, it is added "expressly" that "health professionals and private health facilities enjoy the freedom and right to abstain from any voluntary termination of pregnancy when this practice is contrary to its principles. ". , values ​​or ideology. "
"It is not possible for health workers or private health facilities and their leaders to be forced to practice a practice under the threat of being exposed to it." imputation of a criminal offense or to be threatened with serious administrative penalties "add in the text.
The request is signed by Cemic, Bazterrica Clinic; the institutes Fleming, Argentino de Diagnóstico and Dupuytren; Sanitariums Mater Dei, Otamendi, Adventist and Trinidad; and the Austral Hospital, among others. (Infobae)


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