CIA Revealed All Its UFO Files, Gruesome Results | the Chronicle


It took more than 50 years and countless claims from scientific and UFO organizations for the North American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to encourage them to make public for the first time in their history, a complete dossier on UFOs or UFOs. unidentified aerial phenomena, identification as the government of the United States, chaired by Donald Trump.

A quintessential web in UFO phenomena since the 90s is nothing less than “The black vault “, who had the scoop on this CIA file which will mark a before and after.

According to the press release, they obtained these files through a clandestine purchase from members of the North American agency.

It’s on a CD that contains valuable information about unexplained encounters in Yankee airspace.

From what happened, the figure is a paid millionaire and several million dollars, which doesn’t attract attention given the hazy nature of the data.

It would be the CD “released” by the CIA.

The reports contain surprising stories about “mysterious explosions” and, as everyone expected, about the “suspected contact with extraterrestrials”.


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