Ciencia y empresa cordobesa advance in a possible treatment – Radio 102.9


Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that primarily affects the lungs and causes chronic infections in the respiratory system. It also affects other organs such as the pancreas, liver and intestines.

In CEPROCOR, under the Ministry of Science and Technology of Córdoba, scientists developed an innovative formula for ibuprofen nebulizations.

They found that in a soluble state, the badgesic has antibiotic effects just to attack strains of bacteria that affect the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis. The results of the research were transferred to the company Química Luar which will continue with the clinical stages of research, for the subsequent production of the drug.

Adrián Muñoz, one of the researchers in the team who developed the formula explains: "Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever .Laboratory tests were performed to observe this property that Ibuprofen appeared to be antimicrobial, and what has been achieved is that ibuprofen is soluble in water and was found in the laboratory that under these conditions it increased the ability to attack the bacteria. " basically those who are found more frequently in patients with cystic fibrosis. In turn, the "antibiotic" effect of ibuprofen under these conditions would be faster: only the minutes involved in nebulization.

After the formula was developed at the laboratory level, an international patent was requested. The results of the research have been published in the most recognized international scientific journals and the development has been transferred to Química Luar. It is expected that in no less than three years the development can be completed, to be available on the market.

"These developments do not come by magic"

The managing partner of the company Química Luar ] Luis Argañaras, pointed out that this type of innovation n & # 39; Is not done magically.

"There is an exercise in Cordoba – rare, adds – where the scientific capacity of CEPROCOR and its close connection with the company that goes back several years, it allows to generate the idea and translate it into products of this nature.It is a lot of work, effort, but also the synergy and installed capabilities made available for a common purpose, " pointed out Argañaras.

For his part, the Minister of Science and Technology, Walter Robledo, stressed that "In Cordoba we have a significant scientific and technological capacity, and in our CEPROCOR we work in a real articulation with scientific institutions and companies. "

Regarding the results obtained with ibuprofen, the minister pointed out: " That a sensitive investigation for this disease (cystic fibrosis) has progress made and that its results research is published internationally, is a milestone.It is the first.Now it is necessary to transfer this research product, and through a company (Química Luar) the necessary tests are made so that the product can be put on the market and improve the quality of life of people with these disorders. "

" It is a light from Hope there is a potentiality in the research results that could be a relief for those who suffer from the disease ", Robledo finished.

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