Clarín and La Nación have ignored the massive march of the Day of Memory


It was the cover of both hegemonic media in their covers on Monday.

March 25, 2019

After the multiple convocation that took place at 43 years of the last civil military coup, the newspapers Clarin and The nation they showed again They cover the sun with their hands.

In his tapas on Monday, March 25, a day after Remembrance Day, the newspaper Hector Magnetto he dedicated only a small space in the sections to the right with the title "With the tone of the opposition, a mbadive mobilization repudiated the coup of 76 ".

Clarin Blanket

On the other hand, the newspaper of the Miter family, The nationHe was not surprised ignoring the date completely this marked one of the darkest stages of the country and was centered on the acquittal of Donald Trump, president of the United States, Rusian-gate.

first nation


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