Clashes between federal forces and Mapuche in the hotel taken at Villa Mascardi – 19/07/2018


Less than 24 hours after the visit of President Mauricio Macri to Bariloche, new acts of violence were recorded in the occupied territory of Mascardi (35 kilometers from the city) between the federal forces and the members of the Lafken Winkul Mapu community. According to the version provided by the government, around 14:00 this Thursday a group of unidentified people attacked Molotovs and stones with prosecutor Silvia Little, National Park officials and members of the security police from the airport (PSA), when an eye inspection was carried out in the Hotel Mascardi by order of Federal Judge Gustavo Villanueva.

officials were greeted with rocks and Molotov badtails that were launched from the forested area of ​​the mountain and the periphery. The attack could seriously hurt judicial officials and national park officials, including its director Damián Mujica, who was present, transcended.

The PSA was first ahead of the attack with its shields, then fought back with rubber balls. The community's Mapuches, for their part, claim that the troops opened fire on the scene and attacked them

  Mapuches taking the Mascardi hotel in Brailoche in front of the security police of the city. Airport

Mapuches Taking Hotel Mascardi to Bahriloche Facing Airport Security Police

Last Tuesday, members of the Lafink Winkul Mapu lof cut off Highway 40 and subsequently occupied the offices of the administration of Na Parques. in the center of Bariloche, in complaint for the complaint filed by the agency before the occupation of the Mascardi Hotel. According to the court presentation, led by Mujita, the Aborigines started entering the building for the first time on May 31st by smashing the windows. When the park guards and Río Negro police went to the place to check the invasion, they were also attacked with stones.

The Mapuche's deny their occupation and say it's a plan designed by national parks to go forward. hectares of Mascardi where they stayed since last year. The hotel is located a few meters from the area where Rafael Nahuel died last year (22) during an operation of the Argentine Naval Prefecture.

"Until now, we do not know the reasons for entering the Mascardi area, nor are we aware of any detainees or wounded." said Mr. Mapuches in a statement. "They went into the projectiles," said María Nahuel, the community's reference. The luff maintains close ties with the members of the Cushamen Resistance and the Mapuche Ancestral Resistance (RAM), two groups founded by the Facundo Jones Huala lonko. Matías Santana, who was a key witness of the Maldonado affair, joined the community's claims several times

Sources in the province confirmed Clarín the confrontation. At this time members of the Federal Police remain on the side of Highway 40, guarding the hotel area and the property, but Highway 40 is turned on, they say.

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