Claudia Albertario recounted the tense expectation for Hurricane Dorian's arrival


Model and actress Claudia Albertario lives in Miami with her family for five years. A few hours after the arrival of Hurricane Dorian in this region, the star told how she lived the previous hours and how she expects on arrival. He revealed the collections he had taken with his family and confessed all the details.

"The wind is very strong right now in Miami. I am in a bay It looks like there are waves. The balcony is completely bare. We had to enter everything because the objects become projectiles with such strong winds, "said Albertario of Miami.


In this sense, he added: "I do not know if it will happen to adults. There is now a lot of wind. There was no clbad today. We prepare with several cans of gasoline, with several liters. Two very big ones plus the car with a full tank in case you had to evacuate. This is not supposed to touch the earth. In the Bahamas, he did a lot of damage. In these situations, the worst is always expected, so you must be prepared with food, gasoline. We have instructions on what to do with the house. "

"We have double hurricane windows, it's a place where the winds cross and hurricanes are generated at this time of the year, and with Irma we had to evacuate and leave for Orlando." he recalled. 2017, in an interview with Radio Miter.

Finally, Claudia Albertario explained: "In this deviated round, it seems that the eye of the hurricane will hit only in the sea and on some islands.Here are the tails that are very extreme winds. must have collections.We have bought a lot of water.All supplies.batteries in case of power failure.For the moment, everything is fine and the winds are very strong, hope it n & # 39; It will not happen to adults. "


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