Cleaning work on Everest: found four bodies and 11 tons of garbage


After a fateful season, the Government of Nepal organized a special expedition to clean up the Mount Everest. The results were terrible: They removed 11,000 kilograms of garbage and found the bodies of four mountaineers.

Danduraj Guimire, an official from the Nepal Tourism Department, reported that expedition members had spent several weeks on the slopes of Everest. Empty packages, cans, bottles and bottles of oxygen.

Part of the waste was flown to Kathmandu City for recycling.. There was a ceremony marking the official end of the clean-up campaign, described as successful by the local authorities.

However, members of the expedition reported that waste was left in the part of the mountain still covered with snow. To be able to remove them, they will have to wait for the melting and send them to a new unit to carry out the necessary cleaning tasks in this sector.

Cans, bottles and plastic packaging are among the most frequently found objects (Source: AFP).
Cans, bottles and plastic packaging are among the most frequently found objects (Source: AFP).

Most of the waste was found in camps 2 and 3, where mountaineers were resting during the journey from base camp to the foot of Mount Everest.

But apart from the 11 tons of waste, the team also found four bodies which were exposed after the snow melted.

According to Ghimire, the bodies were taken to the base camp and then to a hospital in Kathmandu, where they will seek to identify them.

View of mountaineer Nick Hollis on his ascent to Mount Everest in May 2019 (Source: REUTER).
View of mountaineer Nick Hollis on his ascent to Mount Everest in May 2019 (Source: REUTER).

Since its conquest for the first time in 1953, More than 300 people died trying to reach the summit of Mount Everest. But without any official document, Nepalese government officials said they did not know the exact number.

This year, 11 mountaineers have died as a result of heavy congestion which happened during the ascent. At peak times, the summit became an endless line of climbers, who had to withstand for several hours temperatures below -30 ° C.


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