Climate Change Guide: Beware, Venice is sinking!


The average growth rate has remained at 2.53 millimeters per year over a long period (1872-2019), but this value doubles to 5.34 millimeters per year over the period 1993-2019. The lagoon of Venice is connected to the Adriatic Sea by three mouths and the city has a defense system to limit the entry of water.

But also the sea is heating up, so much so that in Italian industrial fishing the predominance of species that prefer high temperatures such as sardines, anchovies and prawns is already noticeable.

The picture affects the whole country: in the Alps, deglaciation trends are “evident” due to high summer temperatures and reduced precipitation, as in the Aosta Valley and Piedmont.

And the lack of water for crops like corn and alfalfa and water stress in vineyards is increasingly impacting the economy.

The data comes from a report of experts from various entities, mainly from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, which takes into account 20 indicators and 30 pilot cases in areas related to water resources, cultural heritage, fisheries, health, forests, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, agriculture and energy .

The data

The World Meteorological Organization confirmed that Antarctica broke its temperature record on February 6, 2020, when the thermometer reached 18.3 degrees.

The World Meteorological Organization confirmed that Antarctica broke its temperature record on February 6, 2020, when the thermometer reached 18.3 degrees.

Greta against the world


“They are playing with our future,” said the young environmentalist.

Argentinian news

Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg he criticized the world’s political and economic leaders because, he denounced, they are using the crisis as an opportunity to do business.

“They act as in a role play. They play with politics, with words, they play with our future”, he claimed.

Thunberg, 18, defined the climate commitments of rich countries as “very insufficient” in the face of “increasingly extreme weather events”.

“The climate crisis is treated today only as a business opportunity to create new green jobs, new businesses and green technologies,” he concluded.

The noise of climate change

climate change sound.mp4

Polish oceanographer Kajetan Deja to reveal what is the real sound of climate change and took his underwater camera equipment to the arctic waters

There he was able to reach the base of a glacier where he picked up the music of pressure bubbles escaping from the ice, the sounds of new icebergs being born, the song of a seal and some incredible images of the seabed. sailors.

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