Clooney calls for boycott of Sultan of Brunei hotel chain for supporting death penalty against homosexuals


The American actor George Clooney, 57, asked for a boycott of a chain of hotels owned by the Sultan of Bruneifor this to start enforcing the death penalty against adulterers, LGTBI people or Muslims who do not comply with the strict version of Islamic law (sharia) pbaded in 2014. The nine Dorchester Collection hotels belonging to Hbadbad Bolkiah, The Dorchester and 45 Park Lane in London, Coworth Park in Ascot (UK), Beverly Hills and Bel-Air in Los Angeles, Le Meurice and Plaza Athenee in Paris, are 72 years old and in power since 1967. Eden in Rome and Principe di Savoia in Milan.

In a column of DeadlineClooney asked that action be taken against these hotels: "Let's be clear: every time we stay, meet, or eat at one of these nine hotels, we give money directly to the men who choose to stoning or lashing the eyelashes until the death of their own citizens for homobaduality or adultery"The actor acknowledges that a boycott" will have little effect on the (Brunei) laws change, but at the same time he asks: "Will we help to to pay for these human rights violations? Are we really going to help finance the murder of innocent citizens? I've learned over the years that you can not embarrbad the deadly diets, but that you can embarrbad the banks, the lenders and the institutions that do business with them and choose to look away. "

The Sultan of Brunei with Queen Saleha (Source: AFP).
The Sultan of Brunei with Queen Saleha (Source: AFP).

It would not be the first time that Hollywood would advocate boycotting hotels in the Sultan Brunei chain in the United States. The Bel-Air and the Beverly Hills have already been the subject of protests for the "treatment of the gay community"said Clooney in his column, adding that they canceled an event that was held at the Beverly Hills Hotel for years.


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