Close passage between Fernando Iglesias and Martín Caparrós for Aguad's words on Aldo Rico


The journalist Martín Caparrós and the deputy macrista Fernando Iglesias they went through on Twitter for the sayings of Oscar Aguadwhich minimized the uprising of the carapintada against the government of Raúl Alfonsín to justify the presence of Aldo Rico in the military parade for the Independence Day.

"Argentina will have to choose between a party that prohibits a repressor like General Milani and another party that finances a Golpista like Colonel Rico, the party continues!"The journalist tweeted on the basis of Aguad's remarks in which he had badured that "the uprising of the carapintada was a minor event, he did not put democracy in check".

I hate Rico and what it means. But the bankers were the Peronists, who took him as a candidate and as an official.
The government can not stop a Malvinas veteran from parading. This is what is called institutionality. Who left Latin America for Europe should know, yak.

– Fernando A. Iglesias (@FerIglesias) July 10, 2019

Quickly, the deputy Fernando Iglesias went to answer him on the social network: "I hate Rico and what it means, but those who put him in the bank were the Peronists, who took him as a candidate and official. The government can not stop a Malvinas veteran from parading. This is what is called institutionality. Those who have left Latin America for Europe to know must know it. "


Aldo Rico spoke after his departure on the day of independence

Caparrós did not stop the discussion and continued the exchange: "Your Minister of Defense has cashed it publicly. But as you insult me ​​constantly, Iron. It's love, is not it? "

Your Minister of Defense has publicly banned it. But as you insult me ​​constantly, Iron. It's love, is not it?

– martin caparrós (@martin_caparros) July 10, 2019

Faced with this accusation, the member for Macri replied that "Boor is not an insult, Capa" and pointed out that "a defense minister does not belong to me, but from all over the country". In addition, he asked Aguad the sentence in which he had "banked Rico" because he had claimed not to have seen it and said, "Oh! This is not the love I feel for you. Do not be deceived. "

1- Patan is not an insult, Capa.
2- A Minister of Defense is not mine but the whole country. This is called institutionality, I have already told you.
3- Do you pbad me the sentence with which Aguad "banked Rico"? I did not see it.
4- Oh! And this is not the love I feel for you. Do not be fooled

– Fernando A. Iglesias (@FerIglesias) July 10, 2019


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