Close the last clinic that practices legal abortions in Missouri, United States.


Missouri will become the first state in the United States to have no access to legal abortion this weekend, unless this is prevented by a court order. So this week would be the last of Dr. Eisenberg's clinic.

The health center is located in San Luis and, for example, on Thursday, they attended 50 women. Since 1973, abortion in the United States is legal.

"I have to explain to my patients that we do not know if we can perform their abortion next week," Eisenberg said in an interview with EFE at the Planned Parenthood Reproductive Health Center in San Luis.

They banned abortion in a US state. (AP)

In addition, he described abortion as a "basic health service", in the midst of the Governor's signature of the law, which forbade it in almost all cases, including rape and incest.

"The state of Missouri is leading the offensive (conservative in the United States) for women to cease to be equal members of society, control their bodies and their reproduction", said Eisenberg.


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