Closing of the congress of the language: how did the farewell of Schiaretti's hand


After four days of intense days, the 2019 Spanish Language Congress (Cile) is over this Sunday. Governor Juan Schiaretti expressed his thanks to the participants in the event during a visit to the Evita Museum of Fine Arts.

"I want to thank you for the presence of everyone in this province called La Docta, because it has the oldest university, and it was a great honor to have this Congress that everyone was asking for." Schiaretti.

About twenty members of the Association of Spanish-speaking academies attended the closing ceremony of the governor at Ferreyra Palace.

Schiaretti closed the Congress of Languages ​​at the Ferreyra Palace. (Government of Córdoba Press)

During the act, the governor took stock of the event and declared that "it was very important for us to receive them." I want to tell you that if you feel at home , the people of Cordoba were happy, thank you very much and welcome back home. "

Schiaretti was accompanied by Nora Bedano, president of the Córdoba Cultural Agency, and Manuel Calvo, secretary of communications and connectivity.


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