Closure of electoral colleges in Ecuador: exit polls predict a ballot between Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso


Polls predict second round between Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso
Polls predict second round between Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso

Although lines persist in parts of the country, electoral colleges in Ecuador have started to close. Today’s result will decide on a successor for Lenín Moreno, even if –According to polls, there would be a second round on April 11 between the runner-up of former president Rafael Correa -Andrés Arauz- and former banker Guillermo Lasso.

Luis Verdesoto, member of the National Electoral Council (CNE), estimated that the day took place “under normal conditions” despite the restrictions of covid-19, which leaves more than 257,000 cases and 15,000 deaths. By 1:30 p.m. local time, more than 60% of the voters lists had already voted. However, fora long column of persistent citizens, which in some cases spanned several blocks, which forced election officials to demand that restrictions imposed by the pandemic on entry to the compound, controlled by the military and police, be relaxed.

To get the presidency in the first round, in Ecuador, you need half plus one of the valid votes, or at least 40% with a difference of ten points above the second.

The polls of one of the two companies authorized by the CNE foresee a second round between Arauz and Lasso on April 11. According to pollster Clima Social, Correa’s candidate would get 36.2% of the vote and the CREO candidate 21.7%. The other qualified consulting firm, Cedatos, predicts very similar results: 34.99% for Arauz and 20.99% for Lasso.

Social climate places Pérez third with 16.7% already Xavier Boils, with 13%. If this data is confirmed, the performance de Hervás would be the big surprise of the night. The study has a margin of error of +/- 1.5%.

“The dispersion of parties and movements on the presidential ballot reflects weak institutions, electoral machines that are only activated when there are elections, where there are no strong structures,” he said. ‘AFP political scientist Karen Garzón Sherdek of SEK International University.

Andrés Arauz, of the Unión por la Esperanza (Unes) coalition and runner-up to controversial former socialist president Rafael Correa (2007-2017) asked Ecuadorians to wait for the official results which he predicted will give him a wider advantage than that predicted by surveys.

Andres Arauz (Reuters)
Andres Arauz (Reuters)

Guillermo Lasso, candidate of the CREO movement, said this Sunday is “a historic day” for the country and announced that there will be a poll. “We have fulfilled our obligation to vote. I invite all Ecuadorians to do so with all biosecurity standards. What I can tell you is that there will be a second round, and we will be in the second round, ”said the 65-year-old former Conservative banker.

Guillermo Lasso (@LassoGuillermo)
Guillermo Lasso (@LassoGuillermo)

In addition to the official results which will depend on national control, The CNE will implement the rapid count which will give a preliminary result of the election of the President and the Vice-President of the Republic.

The sample includes tally sheets from 2,425 voting reception committees across the country and will be responsible for the statistics department of the Council. CNE Vice President Enrique Pita acknowledges that there is “waiting” for his results, and in that line he is sure it will work. For this, more than 2,000 people have been hired today, once the elections are over, and when the appointed council has the tally sheet ready, they will take a picture and send it to an independent system. “The estimate is that when there are 1,800 built-in reports, the sample will stabilize, so we think around 8:00 pm or 8:30 pm we’ll have the sample results stabilized,” Pita said.

With information from EFE


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