“Cloud of human appearance”: the viral video in social networks | Strange image of a storm in Turkey


In the afternoon of this Sunday, the name Voldemort has become a trend on social media. But, this was not a direct reference to the Harry Potter villain for some novelty in the mythical saga of JK Rowling, but for a curious phenomenon that occurred in the city of Istanbul, Turkey. Witnesses claimed to have seen the face of the evil character in the sky, during the development of a heavy rain.

On Saturday evening, a storm hit Istanbul and Hundreds of people were surprised to capture the moment a face formed in the clouds. The startling images didn’t take long to go viral on social media and the comparison to Harry Potter’s enemy was almost immediate.

One of the first accounts to share it was Hava Forum, which specializes in weather news. “Taken from the human-like cloud seen in Istanbul From another angle. We share that angle for those who say it’s a montage, ”they posted on Twitter.


This post was the second referring to the strange phenomenon, as disbelieving users questioned the veracity of the video and mentioned that there was an alleged edit.

While others could not hide their astonishment (even their fear) at what happened. “The one who should not be named has returned “; “What was already missing !! Pandemics, hurricanes, snowfall, floods, volcanoes and now Voldemort…”; “Voldemort is watching over us”; were some of the posts that were read on the networks.


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