CNN fired three employees for not getting vaccinated against covid-19 | “Zero tolerance”


Three CNN employees fired for going to work in person at the office without receiving the coronavirus vaccine. Multimedia spokesman Jeff Zucker, who confirmed the news, said that the company has a “zero tolerance” towards anti-vaccines.

In an internal company statement, which addressed the return to work in person, Zucker cautioned against CNN’s “zero tolerance” of returning to offices during the pandemic and “noted that this can only be done if you are vaccinated.”. ” Last week, We were told that three employees came to the office without being vaccinated. All three were fired“Zucker said in the statement, quoted by specialized media. Deadline.

The CEO explained that until now CNN has relied on an “honor system”, so it was not mandatory to show proof of having received the anticovid vaccine. However, Zucker recalled that “you have to be vaccinated to go to the office. Yes You should be vaccinated when working in the field, with other employees, whether or not you enter the office. And point“.

He also indicated that it is possible that it will become mandatory to show the vaccination certificate. Like other large companies, CNN also delayed the return of its workers to the office, which was due to be September 7, and forwarded it in mid-October.

The same was true for Amazon, which announced on Thursday its decision to postpone the return to the offices until January 2022.

Delta variant skyrocketed US cases in a single month, since it went from an average of less than 15,000 daily contaminations in early July to 80,000 new contaminations per day in August.


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